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Reasons Why Clever Business People Invest In Other Companies for Their Future

Writer's picture: Alpesh PatelAlpesh Patel

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Why should business people and professionals look at investing in other people’s companies, not just in their own? I will give you lots of valuable, insightful things, making it more interesting.

My Background

I’m a hedge fund manager, so I’m a specialist in investing, but I’m not giving individual investment advice, obviously. I have to say this and let you know because I don’t know your individual circumstances.

Important Information

So this is more generic advice on why, as I said, you should be investing yourself, whether you are a young professional or a business owner. And I’m not representing a brokerage or a fund management house or anything like that. So this is, there’s no conflict of interest with you whatsoever.

I’m going to break this into two parts. First of all, why aren’t people making the most out of investing in the kind of returns that they can get from other companies?

No Conflict

And secondly, well, what are some of the things that funds like mine, like Goldman Sachs, like that Warren Buffet likes, those things whether you are. As I said, whether you are somebody in their 30s or 20s who’s looking at just starting out and has only got, say, £5,000. Or whether you are somebody who’s got their own business and has got millions sitting in the bank account.

There seems to be a lot of dormant cash already in your account, or you plan to have it because you plan to grow, which is why you’re here. So we need to plan ahead and work out what you should be doing.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Do connect with me if you wish. That’s just me showing off about my background, and that’s why I thought, so you don’t think I’m totally arrogant and unapproachable, I took a picture of my alter ego, Apu, just to make it a bit more realistic of what I’m really like.

As I said, I’m a hedge fund manager, I’ve also written about investing, and that’s the insights I’m going to share with you, both as a practitioner and as somebody who’s written about it.

Best selling books

I’ve written about it, including in the FT, for about the last 20-odd years. So there’s a lot of experience to share with you. Also, from my programs, I want to share with you.

Alpesh Patel FT columnist

As I said, I’ve got no conflict with you because we don’t deal with retail clients, so that’s simple. But I want retail clients to know what we know about investing because a lot more regular people, whether they’re professionals or business owners, leave it too often and pay fat fees to fund managers, or at least don’t even know what questions to ask them. Or, you spend their lives working incredibly hard in your businesses professions and don’t have your money working hard for you.

So you bust a gut making 100K a year or 50K a year, or I don’t know, maybe even bust a gut making a million a year, but the money just sits there, whereas that money could be earning more than you’re doing in your salary, and that’s the point of it, okay?

So let’s focus on what I’m going to be talking about in particular, which is, well, how do I get my money working harder for me if I don’t know where to invest, and how to invest? And I’m going to focus on the public markets.

Stock Market

Why? Well, because at the click of a keyboard button, you can exit, but we need to know, “Well, how do I pick stocks?” That’s just the last six months.

Some people have been banging their heads because they’ve picked the wrong thing when the market is at an all-time high. Others have banged their heads because they didn’t do anything about it at all at any point. Those are the problems we’re going to try and resolve.

How do you know what to do? Where to put that capital and be independent about it and say, “Well, actually, you don’t have to go to a particular fund manager or a particular broker or particular IFA. You should at least have some knowledge of that because it’s like I said, you’ve spent your life earning that money, that passive income should be earning a dual income. You’re basically cloning yourself. That’s the point of it. And the way I want you to look at it is this.

Whether, as I said, it’s 5,000 you’ve got or five million, when you invest in a public company, so we’re not talking private companies, we’re not talking about the risk of your money being locked up. We’re talking about public companies, the names you’ve heard of.

I want you to think of it like this. It’s like hiring somebody in your business. If you’re hiring somebody in your business, you want to look at about 10,000 CVs; I would have thought. You want to look at as many CVs as possible because when you invest in a company, a listed company, a public company, you’re asking them to manage your money.

To make your return, either because you’re in your 30s or 20s, you want to get rich when you’re older, or you’re retired, and you want that money to give you a comfortable retirement. They are essentially managing your capital. If they’re managing your capital, they better be the best of the best in the world.

How do you make sure they’re the best of the best? Well, you look at many CVs; in other words, you look at a lot of companies. That sounds like you’re going to spend the rest of your life doing that. But that sounds complicated.

So we need to find a more straightforward way of doing it. Thankfully, there are so many free tools on the internet to be able to do that, but first of all, you need to know, “Well, how do I do that? Where do I begin?” And like I said, it might not be that you’ve got the capital today. It’s the fact that you will have the capital.

FTSE 100 lagging

This has become urgent because my fellow British pensioners and company owners and business owners and professionals are getting poorer while the overseas ones are not, for a very simple reason. When you’ve got a job and are putting money into a pension, most people don’t even realize that it goes into a fund that invests in the stock market.

Or if they know that, they don’t realize that they could ask questions; where the heck is that going? And most fund managers will invest in the domestic market—nothing wrong with that. I’m British; I’m delighted they’re investing in the domestic market. The problem is, since 1999, the hundred largest British companies have increased their values by 0%.

So chances are your pension stinks compared to, if you happen to be American now, governments of both colors, Conservative, Labour, want pensioners to be rich, believe it or not. Politics aside, they do. So they don’t mind if you invest in non-British companies, in global companies, and that’s the first thing. We will look at those 10 CVs, not just from a narrow gene pool of UK-only companies but also from a global gene pool.

So when you invest in an American company, let’s say, or a Chinese one, or whatever, and we’ll narrow it down what you might want to look at, at least you have the security you can click a button and exit. Still, more importantly, they’re earning and, you are bringing that return back to the UK and spending it in Britain anyway. So it’s good for your pension, it’s good for the country.

Fear or Over Confidence

Reasons Why People Don’t Invest

So why don’t people do it? First of all, I’m going to give you two reasons why people don’t do it, and then we’ll talk about the meat of the problem, which is “Okay, well, how do you go about it? What should you be asking an IFA? What do you do about a SIPP, doing it yourself? What are the questions to ask, and how do you do it?” The first problem is really this. That sums it up. It’s fear that you’re going to get it wrong and the market’s going to come crashing on you. Well, I’m afraid you’re already invested, and if you’re not, then that money’s going down because of inflation. Or it’s overconfidence.

You think, “You know what? I’ve got the best business in the world. It’s going to make me all the money I ever need. I don’t need to invest in other people’s companies, Microsoft, PayPal, or Oracle. I don’t need to invest in those companies. Yeah. I hear Apple hire a lot of clever people, but no, my business is going to do better than theirs.” That’s fine. I’m not saying don’t do your business. I’m saying when you’ve not even diversified by investing a bit of your pension elsewhere, we’ve got an issue, okay? We’ve got a problem.

Connect with me

The other reason you don’t do it is, you might look at CVs of people like people in the industry or me, and you think, “They walk around a bit cocky. I don’t really want to ask them. I don’t want to ask them because they might think that, what the heck, you don’t even know what to do.”

You know, there is that feeling that “Oh, I don’t really want to deal with investing. Those are people who I don’t really want to even speak to.” Follow me. Feel free. Follow me on LinkedIn. So there’s that fear of knowledge. So we’re going to remove that fear. We’re not as bad and unapproachable as you might think. I’ll show you a bit of what you need to know.

Bad fund managers

The other main problem, you need to do this, and it’s urgent. I’m self-employed because I run my own company. Thank God I set aside extra capital, which had nothing to do with the business but had to do with investing in other businesses through a SIPP.

Typical stock portfolio mismanaged

Whether you are self-employed or whether you’re in your own company, giving it to a fund manager has problems. I’m not saying you shouldn’t at all, but one of the biggest problems is they’re charging you fees so their little Johnny and little Jane can go to private school. At the same time, you’re being stiffed by those investments being in an index that goes nowhere for 20 years. Where are your yachts and private jets?

Pension Gap

That’s the basic problem, which is why, again, I want to show you what you need to know and it’s even better if you’re in your 20s because you’ve got more time to apply it. And that’s the sort of pension gap. It’s difficult for you to see at the back, but let me show you what that is.

That’s the difference between if you were just even tracking a broad index of listed stocks and you followed the UK over the last five years. It’s the same over any rolling five-year period since the Second World War, you’ve got pretty much 0% from what your fund manager’s doing, and you’ve doubled your money by having a broader gene pool of global companies, including some of the big American ones.

You might say, “Oh, that’s just for now, Alpesh.” No, it’s been the case for a long period of time, and you can invest in those directly. And if you’re not confident, then at least you can ask the fund manager or the pension provider, “Hey, mate, what have you invested in?”

Overpaid Fund Managers

And the biggest problem that people have is they don’t even know. So they look at things like this, and this is literally a screenshot of a typical fund.

They’ll say, they’ll have words like A, or five diamonds, or a score out of 10, and they’ll say, “Oh, this must be good, and it’s got the word growth in it, so I’m okay because my pension fund or my SIPP or my ISA is in something with the word growth and it’s got lots of diamonds, darling. We’re safe. Our future’s taken care of.”

No. The fund manager’s future is taken care of, not yours, for a very simple reason. If you ask them to show you how they’ve performed and they have to, by law, tell you, you’ll invariably see that over any period of three to five years after the fees they’ve charged you, they’ve delivered you next to nothing, other than a few random, and it’s been proven, random fund managers who do well for a very short period of time.

Rubbish fund managers

And you know why they do poorly? And the mistakes you are going to avoid? Because they spray and pray. They will invest in as many companies as they can think of. Think about it. Their marketing outfits fund manages your pension, goes to a marketing outfit. That’s why when you go down the road, and you see M&G, Fidelity, etc. They’re advertising so they can get as much money as possible under management.

Why? Because they charge fees of a percentage of assets on their management. So they need to get as much on their management. But if they’ve got lots of money on their management, they’ve got to divide it into small gene pools of UK growth. So they do geography, UK growth, Japanese income, American growth, and each one of those funds will have all those trillions divided into sub lots of maybe 50 stocks at a time. So if you put your money in just five funds, that’s five funds, 50 stocks, that’s 250 stocks.

So you look down, and you go, “Oh, it’s okay. I’ve got a bit of Amazon and Apple and Oracle.” Well, you’ve got 1/250th of your capital in those. No wonder it’s not performing, let alone the fees they’re charging. You can ask them all of this. The first thing I want you to do is to be aware of it.

Please, for God’s sake, be aware of it. If you want to see what they invest in when they call themselves growth, you can ask them that as well.

Be your own fund manager

So this manager and I picked him at random, and I guarantee if any of you’ve got pensions through SIPP, and as I said, most people don’t realize their pensions are invested in the stock market.

Tobacco. This is a growth one, and he invested this genius in British American Tobacco. Who thinks tobacco’s a growth area without knowing anything about stocks? And he invested in oil before oil prices last year went to zero, let alone what’s happened now.

Alpesh Patel top FTSE 100 forecaster

I’ll tell you what his stocks are like. Now you might say, “Well, Alpesh, you are talking a big game. You got a big mouth saying that regular people can be better than fund managers.”

Well, no, I think they can learn a bit more, so they’re more in control. So the FT said the same thing to me in 2004. They said, “Well, you say you can be good. How do I know you can?” So they ran a competition over 12 months, and at that time, I didn’t have a hedge fund; I was just a regular bloke like you guys.

They ran a competition with other fund managers. And I said to the FT, “Well when I beat them all, will you please put my face on the front page of your business section?” And when I did beat them all, regular retail guy, like you, guys. So it can be learned, okay? They did do that.

And you know who came 17th? One above the editor’s cat? They literally had the editor’s cat there to see if the editor’s cat could beat fund managers. The editor’s cat picked levels of stocks to decide based on random numbers. Okay? The editor’s cat nearly beat Neil Woodford, who gets paid billions, or did, before everybody else discovered that he’s rubbish. It’s the truth.

So you might think, “Well, how the hell did they get away with that?” Marketing. You don’t think fund managers with those CVs that make them seem unapproachable don’t do marketing? That’s marketing. That’s why I want you to be aware, and it’s not a new thing I’m saying. I’ve been saying it in my FT columns for 20 years.

10% fund manager fees

The other problem you’ve got is this. For every £10,000, you work incredibly hard earning, or your business. You take out of your business; you pay all your taxes, PAYEs, and NIS. Everything else you’re left with that 10K, £1,000, 10% of it goes into fees over every five years to the fund manager. Now, if you could do more of that yourself, you get to save that alone. Just that, okay? But, I know, you’re probably thinking, “Hang on, Alpesh, I’m going to have to become one of these guys if I’m going to look at the stock market. I’m going to have to be junkied up on caffeine. It looks like it’s too complicated.”

50% returns on stocks

So let me try and simplify it. Just as a starting block, just for now. Over the last 12 months, we had a great tailwind: regular people, not giving it to fund managers, not paying subscriptions or fees to anybody else to do it, you do it, get returns that get 50%.

That happened last year and was an exception. It’s not me doing it. It’s you doing it, but only because there was a tailwind. There might be a headwind next year. My point is, there’s a lot there happening amongst people doing it themselves and getting those returns and those missing out. So how do we make sure we don’t miss out?

Top performers like Crocs

I’m going to show you an approach I want you to look at yourself and investigate it in your own time after this, where you find the data free on the internet, thankfully it’s all free. I want to make sure everything’s free that I tell you, that looks at the value of a company, i.e., its profitability. It’s growing; its sales are growing, all the things you know are essential in your own business.

How about using that know-how you already know as business owners to put a tiny bit of your pension into those other listed companies. So that you can get the hell out if you need to at any point for the sake of your pension. When I say Crocs, I didn’t know it would be up 200% in a year. You know, Crocs who make that ugly footwear.

Guess what? Cash flow was strong. Profits were strong. Revenue was strong. I wish my business had the figures that ugly shoewear company did. Seriously. 200%? Whose business grew 200% in the last year?

On the whole, you’re looking at public companies to try and do that. So, how do we find some of those? Let’s narrow it down, and this is a list from last year.

Stocks Over 100

Now, the fact of the matter is, it is impossible to know what’s going to go up 100%, and 100% has a lot of good fortune in it. If the markets don’t rally next year, that isn’t going to happen, okay? And if you want certainty, a bank account is the best place to get it. Maybe at Starling Bank, right, if you want certainty.

Stocks 50-100 return

What happens is, you want to narrow the pool you’re picking from, so you remove all the bad companies. I don’t like waking up at three in the morning and thinking, “Why did I give my money to that company whose sales are dropping, profit margins are being squeezed, and its price keeps going lower and lower?” Who wants to work hard for a living? I don’t want to do that. I want the companies which keep growing sales, who have the cleverest people in the world employed by them to do it.

It’s a hell of a lot easier riding those coattails than it is trying to turn around and speculate. I don’t like speculating and gambling on companies which, “Oh, hopefully, the government might do a Tweet on coronavirus, and this company might turn around.” Or, “Look at that company. It’s crashed and burned. Let’s put our life savings in that because it might turn around.”

No, don’t be stupid. We want to look at the valuation, the revenue growth, the things you look at in your own business. Cash-flow, growth, those are going to be the three most important. Well, those things still apply to public companies, exact same rules, same thing. You already know the essence of how to get those returns. And there was a whole bunch that did 50 to 100. Did I know ahead of time they were going to? No, I don’t have a crystal ball.

Price Performance of Stocks

The point is that anybody whose honest about the market will tell you that the job is to try and remove the rubbish, and then hopefully, what you’re left with will give you an increased probability that if there is a tailwind.

You get a market outperforming return, and if there isn’t, and I don’t know if there’s going to be a crash next year or not, despite all the big talk about FT and my books and columns and all the rest of it, I don’t have a crystal ball to tell you that. And you know how I know I don’t?

I know I don’t have a crystal ball because I didn’t see coronavirus. I didn’t see the financial crisis. And anybody who tells you they did is lying, lucky, or stupid. It’s going to be one of those three.

So let’s be honest. My job is to remove the rubbish companies, which you can do easily enough, and hopefully what you’ll learn is some of the good ones. And if you don’t want to do it yourself, you just make sure you ask your IFA or your fund manager, “Mate, what’s in the portfolio? And why the hell has it got these things? Right. I don’t want that fund,” and start looking elsewhere, which I’ll come to how you might find it.

S&P returns

That’s what’s then left. You end up out of 10,000, about 150 listed companies. I keep saying listed for this reason. It means you can get the hell out by the click of a button because that’s how you get out of Microsoft. This was last year’s performance. I’ll tell you what I like currently, which isn’t advice.

The idea is what you are then left with is a whole bunch of companies that should generate more. I can’t guarantee which one. If I knew which one would get 300%, I would’ve put all my money in there. I would have auctioned my mother-in-law on eBay, taken the proceeds, not that I would’ve got much, and put it into that 300% return company.

But once I narrowed it down, I was able to say that we should have a strong return from this gene pool of companies, and with a tailwind, a good positive market return, even better. I’ll take credit for the tailwind all day long. I’ll take credit for the geniuses working at Crocs. Thank you very much, Crocs. I didn’t think they were going to get me 200%. And then you negative return. Oh, yes. There are loss-making companies. Nobody has a crystal ball or a time machine. That should be restricted.

Now you might say, “Well, wait a minute, Alpesh, you’re talking about stocks.” Look, you’re already invested in the stock market if you’ve got a pension, because where the heck do you think that money goes?

The number of people who get shocked think the tooth fairy delivers a pension return. It’s not. It’s overpaid, useless fund managers, and I’ve never met a good one, okay? Trust me. I went to university with some of them. They’re the ones taking out the fee. So I want you to at least have the knowledge. I’m not saying go out and speculate without knowing what you’re doing, but at least know where your pension money’s being going. That’s all I’m saying.

And you might say, “Well, I’m worried. I don’t want to do it at an all-time high.” What that shows you are actually, even at all-time highs, you still get a positive return. And if there is a market downturn, and personally, I hope there is a bit because the returns get even better.

Eugene FAMA research

That data is provided by a Nobel prize-winning economist; a chap called Eugene Fama.

Numbers to be aware of

These are the numbers I want you to be aware of. There are seven elements in the strategy that you should be looking at when you’re looking to invest in any company, whether it’s your own or anybody else’s, and in particular, a listed company. I think you should hold for 12 months and then reevaluate because the world moves too quickly to hold or buy in forever.

I think you should have about 15 to 20 stocks, roughly. I can show you the data on that offline if you wish. If any drops 25% from the peak they’ve been, you’d want to get out. I target 40% returns. If there’s a fair wind, I do more. If there isn’t, I do less. Forget that. Look for at least 15 to 20% returns, okay?

Markets focused on near term

So how are we going to do that? Where’s that coming from? That’s a slide from Goldman Sachs which shows why 12 months is better. We won’t go and bore you into the technicalities. Now, this bit’s going to put you off, but don’t be.

Key To Investment Success

The complexity of it is, yes, you need to know seven different things. The value of a company, okay? You need to know the value. You need to know the revenue growth of a company.

Value, revenue growth, cash flow – now I don’t care which metrics you use. I have mine. You might have yours. Places like Yahoo Finance, Google Finance will allow you to even screen for this, free. But look at at least those three things to start with. Why? Because you know those things are bloody important.

Profitability, the valuation of a company, the share price compared to profitability, cash flow growth, probably the most important. And if you don’t believe me, cash flow’s perhaps the most important; please leave. You’re in the wrong arena. Cash flow. Same for public companies. Now I have a measure of cash flow. I won’t go into the boring details, but cash flow and sales growth, okay? That’s a boring technical chart.

Goldman Sachs Tells Their Wealthiest Clients

Why is cash flow important? I stole this. I stole it from Goldman Sachs asset management because I figured if you haven’t got $50 million to give them your money and they charge you and do it for you, then you can just steal it on what they do. And they look at that. They look at cash return on capital invested.

Now to you guys, that jargon will make sense. It makes sense to me. You don’t need to learn the formula. But what I’m saying is, if you want to know the most important thing, please focus on cash flow, valuation, revenue growth. Then you can narrow those companies down. Now you might say, “Nah, forget it. I’m rich. I don’t need to do any of this. I’ve got somebody to do it for me.” My whole point is, the people doing it for you are underperforming. They’re not vested like you. 15 stocks, 12 months. Then review, start again.

Invest over 15 years

You are looking at a gene pool of 10,000, not just in the UK. And we are not going to speculate on which sector, which geography. Trust me, neither you nor I are clever enough to see into the future. What you’re going to do is valuation growth, cash flow. I don’t care if they make ugly shoes or if they make iPods.

Total savings

Valuation growth, cash flow. Okay? Those are the things. And let’s look at some numbers. Let’s say you did 20% per annum, and you might think, “No, don’t be stupid.” Well, just look at the all-time highs we just had—Seeded 20% per annum over the long term.

By the way, that formula from Goldman Sachs generates 30% per anum over the long term. Some years more, some years less, that’s why they’re rich—30% per annum. If you want to know why the rich get rich, that’s from Goldman Sachs’ wealth management. Being in the hedge fund industry, they send you this kind of stuff because they want you to be their client. Well, I’m not stupid. So I’ve saved a lot of money and am sharing it with you—30%.

It’s the cash flow thing—30% per annum. Don’t take my word for it. It’s their figures. And we looked at it. And we did it. And it is. And it’s true. And now you don’t need $50 million to be their client.

So let’s look at the numbers. Let’s see if you put 500 in a month into your pension. I don’t really mind; they all charge whatever they charge. And you start with just 10K. This is how your pension moves. Now my son’s ISA pretty much looks like that. And he’s about three-and-a-half. And you know when people go, “Oh, it’s the power of compounding.”

Do you know why nobody does it? Because the power of compounding hits in after about ten long years. So for the first ten years, don’t go out or go to the cinema. Don’t go to restaurants. Just rely on the power of compounding and sit at home and bore yourself to death.

No. The fact of the matter is, yeah, it does work later on. Even if you’re starting off with an ISA and putting 3k in, it is worth it. So my spoiled little three-and-a-half-year-old son maximizing his returns, and I kid you not, he does now when I’m trying to watch football, come in on an evening and say, “Daddy, daddy, where’s the stock market?” I know. I’m a bad parent, and that’s the future, behold. But by the time he’s going to university, he should have about half a million, the spoiled little brat.

Obviously, I’ll raid it before then and make sure he doesn’t get to keep it all. The point is small sums, small contributions. Your fund manager isn’t doing that. You’ve got to do it. If you’re waiting for some secret reveal where I say, “Go to this website,” or, “Go buy this fund,” it’s not coming.

Invest over 10 years

I will just show you how you do it yourself for free. And if you’ve got a bit more money because you’re like Donald Trump and seriously rich, and let’s say you’ve got 100K or a million, work it out, and you put 1,5K in, well after ten years, that’s what happens.


You start with 100K, which gets to a million. So your job becomes, convert every 100K into a million, or every ten into 100. That’s your side hustle. And if you’ve got a business, you need to be doing that as well.

Why? Because if at any moment you wake up at three in the morning and say, “Screw this. I don’t want to do this,” you can click a button. You can’t do that when you’ve got a factory, when you’ve got employees when you’ve got fixed costs. And I don’t want you just relying on a bloody fund manager looking after your future because they will look after their own and their children’s school fees and charge you for it, and you will be none the wiser that they’ve done that.

How do we know? Because of the numbers I’ve shown you, this is what happens, okay? So that’s where we want you to try and get to yourself. So, I want you to look at valuation, revenue growth, and cash flow for those public companies. Where’s the data? Yahoo Finance has it. Google Finance has it. It’s out there, all right? It’s in a lot of places.

Alpesh Patel - Stocks I like

Now I will leave you with, because you probably want to know, “Well, what do you like?” This is not advice because I don’t know your personal circumstances, but you’ll occasionally see breathless headlines like, “Goldman says, buy these 20 stocks. They have the most potential.” So we looked at it. We looked at their names, which they said, and then looked at which ones met our metrics. I didn’t care if they like it. I want to know, does it meet my valuation metric? Does it meet my metric for revenue growth? Does it meet my metrics because my metrics are a hell of a lot stricter than theirs. Do you know why? Because whichever companies I have to invest in, whether it’s, like I said, whether it’s, I don’t know, PayPal or Adobe or a Microsoft or an NVIDIA. So I’ve put on the left which ones I happen to own.

Well, they’re looking after my retirement money. That’s what those companies are doing because I’ve invested in them. Or they’re looking after my son’s future, so they better be bloody good. So I better filter down from 10,000.

No fund manager on earth gives a damn about my retirement as much as I do or my son’s future as much as I do. They do give a damn about charging me 10% every five years, though. They won’t miss that invoice. Right?

So I want you to get richer, basically, and not give all your money away to overpriced fund managers. And there are some which Goldmans like, which I don’t. I don’t hold the ones in the middle, but they were on my list because I can’t buy everything, okay?

But for you to have that same level of confidence, you need to know you’re going to look at three things, value, revenue growth, cash flow, and that kind of stuff you can learn off the internet, but Google Finance and Yahoo Finance will have that kind of stuff. 12 months, 15 to 20 stocks. Don’t buy hundreds because you think, “Oh, I’ll put a bit in everything.”

We’re not in the spray and pray business because we need to get a return. Okay?

Other Hedge Funds in

We’ll also look at other funds that are getting more than the 40% we want because we’re humble enough to know that we don’t know everything. So we’ll look at any hedge funds out there which are getting more than 40%. What do they own? And this happens to be one. Well, I don’t own everything they own. I do happen to own some of the staff that they own. So we will steal. Happily steal.

I might be the only one openly saying how much I’m going to steal from the rich and give to the regular people, sort of a Robin Hood, I hope.

Volatility – It’s just what’s the downside risk. “What’s the chances, Alpesh? I’m risk-averse, Alpesh. What’re the chances that stock could drop 20% in the next six months or 12 months?” They are listed companies. Yes, you can click a button and get out, but what if they drop?

So what are the volatilities? Well, the same things that happen with a fund manager. Again, all this data I’m showing you were free from the internet. Have a look at that. It’s completely free. It’s my campaign to teach a million people how to invest for free. You can download a free copy of my book from there and a lot of free other materials, including a telegram channel, which I use to post free stuff to educate people on how to do it and get better at it.

I want British retirees, British self-employed people, to do a lot better because I’m in that category. And I want British fund managers to do a lot less well in the fees they charge you guys because it’s trillions you’ve given them, and it’s a percentage of those trillions that make them rich.

So please take the time to learn a bit more about your SIPP, your ISA, how you invest, and when people try and shove funds down your throat, say, “No, I don’t want funds. I want to pick myself which ones I might like.” Like I said, where are your yachts and private jets?

Now more than ever, that data’s available. So all that hard work you’re doing in building your businesses and seeing all these other companies here today who are helping you grow your businesses, that effort won’t just be concentrated in your own business or your own profession.

But you’ll hopefully have a SIPP or an ISA, which will be generating as much if not more money. So God forbid anything happens in your business, you’re diversified, and Apple’s got your back, or Amazon’s got your back, or Visa’s got your back, or whatever else you’ve also invested in. Good luck with it all. Do check out It’s an entirely free site. It’s got all that free information on there.

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