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Outstanding work of British Asian Trust.

Philanthropy & Public Service

Raising Funds & Donating to the Most Pressing Global Issues

The causes I support


My Focus in Hosting Fundraisers and Auctions where I can Through My Actions Increae Funds Raised by at Least 20%

If you would like me to host an event, do get in touch. I focus on causes close to my heart, but not limited to those alone, and where I can add significant value by hosting sizeable events.

The Deputy PM was our guest of honour at
Alpesh Patel Fund Raiser Maitie Nepal
Alpesh Patel Akshaya Patra Fund Raising
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Community Events

Speaker, Host, Organiser

It's the greatest most fulfilling privilge to represent your British Indian community, whether speaking, hosting or organising events to encourage more political participation, or community service. I've been fortunate enough to do over 100 in the past 15+ years - oftentimes working with the UK and Indian Governments too.

Asian Voice Community Paper

Consultant Editor and Columnist

For over 10 years I've written a weekly financial column to educate the community of British Asians in the UK on financial issues specific to their needs, and a political column to encourage them to participate by connecting their interests to current affairs. I think it important the community is integrated and involved in our vibrant democracy and these columns are geared to their welfare.

Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies & City Hindu Network

Working to Explin Hindu Beliefs and Inter-fatih dialogues

It's been a privilege to be on the CHN Advisory Board organising and hosting events to reach City professionals to help with with work/faith issues including promoting organ donations. With OCHS I have hosted fund raisers and represented the organisation in interntional fora such as the European Agency on Fundamental Rights to give the perspective of the faith on issues such as citizen duties.

UK India Business Angel Network

Making happen the two way flow of investments and companies.

Launched by the then Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, in India, I was privileged to be the first Co-Chair and founder. UKIBAN was run by Envestors, and has projects like building a chain of affordable private schools in the Northern Indian States of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The UK India Business Angel Network is operated by Envestors with 3,500 registered members who have invested over £100m into 200 high growth tech companies

The Indus Entrepreneurs

Co-Founder of UK Chapter

Co-founder of the UK Chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs. Was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professionals with roots in the Indus region. There are currently 13,000 members, including over 2,500 charter members in 57 chapters across 14 countries. TiE’s mission is to foster entrepreneurship globally through mentoring, networking, and education. Dedicated to the virtuous cycle of wealth creation and giving back to the community, TiE’s focus is on generating and nurturing our next generation of entrepreneurs.

UK India Business Council

UK India Trade

For a decade from it's inception I served as a director of the organisation. We provide a range of company specific market entry and expansion services to UK companies to help shape your strategy, and make informed decisions about investing in and growing in India.

Akshaya Patra

Mid-Day Meals for School Children

While the Mid-Day Meal Programme, with an aim to end classroom hunger, has been reaching out to millions of school children every day with freshly-cooked nutritious meals, statistics show that children in India are in need of immediate attention. I've been fortunate to do several fundraising events and campaigns for them.

Maitie Nepal & Row for Freedom


MAITI Nepal was born out of a crusade to protect Nepali girls and women from crimes like domestic violence, trafficking for flesh trade, child prostitution, child labor and various forms of exploitation and torture. Row for Freedom was set up by an extraordinary group of women who rowed the Atlantic to raise funds for anti-trafficking and I helped raise funds through rowathons including at Barclays Bank using my financial networks.

Loomba Trust

Widows and Orphans

As Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of the Loomba Trust which supports Widows and Orphans I have had the privilege to host and raise funds for the organisation over many events and many years.

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